Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dancing brings us together

You need to check this out if you haven't already. Apparently, Stride gum paid this guy to do this dance in different cities around the world. Then they decided they wanted people in the video with him... so they paid him again to film the video around the world.

just watch, click here

when was the last time you danced for fun?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

UpStream logo

Wow, it's been waaaaay too long since I last posted. Last time it was a personal logo, which I am still working on. Now I am working on a Freshman outreach/group, UpStream, logo for a campus ministry.

I have used the iconographic Ichthus for several reasons 1. Christian organization 2. Freshmen aka fish. 3. issues with life/faith can be like swimming up stream

Here are two designs I have come up with.

The one on the left:
Wanted to be more organic, take on the feel of water, stream like. Didn't want to use black, but a dark gray, as there are few things in nature that are truly pure black. The font has no perfectly straight lines...just like nature. The blue one of the left has a lighter gray font and stroke that makes the ichthus.

The one on the right:
Since this is appealing to new students, this one is a little more youthful, modern. There is a rhythm to the draw the viewer in. The font is long, emphasizing the "Up" of UpStream. Black is used to give it a clean look, adding to it's moderness.

I have used 3 colors (other than the neutral grays and blacks)
Lime Green: the original ministry's colors, not a good choice b/c though this is part of the ministry, it is important if it has it's own identity.

Light Blue: Fish swim in water, though water is rarely this color of blue ( streams, lakes, rivers) this color conveys water and is calming.

Red: Red is the schools colors to which this ministry belongs. It is good to associate with the school, but other than that, there is no other reason to use this color.

These three colors are appealing to most people, boys and girls alike.

I'm still playing with it, but I'd like to know your thoughts!